There’s a very serious Ransomware virus known as CryptoLocker currently circulating the Internet. SpyderMail is actively detecting and blocking E-mails containing this dangerous threat, but we wanted to give you a heads up so that you can be aware (even for your home computers).
For some added information, here is an interesting story on the 3500% rise (!!!) in ransomware domains being registered in the first quarter of 2016! 3500% Rise in Ransomware
Mainly Spread in 3 Ways
Via E-mail with an attached .pdf file HUGE increase!
Via E-mail with an attached .zip file
You browsed to a malicious website that exploits vulnerabilities using an out-dated version of Java
You have been tricked to download a malicious file (Drivers or codec)
Once opened it attempts to evade most anti-virus and anti-spyware software and encrypts data on your individual computer and your network making the data inaccessible!
There is no current way to decrypt your files, once they have been encrypted!
We strongly encourage EVERYONE take special care and attention opening any ATTACHMENT
We have provided some links to more information about this Virus and some resources to help prevent infections from occuring: *
* We are providing the above links as a resource for reference purposes only. These sites are not owned or affliated with SpyderMail – please use at your own risk.